
When you live and work in a 2 bedroom unit it is important that most of your exhibition is able to fit into one IKEA expedit niche.
Other important things include: mums serving hot chocolate at your exhibition, feedback from beautiful friends, and of course support from an amazing and (surprisingly) organised boyfriend 🙂

milk and sleep – what goes on

Here are some pics of works in progress for my ‘milk and sleep’ show. Yes, I am embarrassed that it has been over 2 years since I attempted to start this ‘blog’, but, the thing is that my boyfriend is far too good with all this stuff and I have been freeloading off his skills. Stay tuned – I may post again sometime this year 🙂

hello world

I am still working on my content. Heres a cute thing though – from my graduate show last year.

This is called ‘Born in the U.S.A’. There are 50 hanging dogs in stars and there are stripes of animal bone drawings on receipt paper.

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